The Shannon Damuth Bookstore

Question Mark Out Now!
Question Mark: The Freshman Experience is about the complexity of emotions that arise from the narrator’s first year of college. Through new experiences and relationships, the narrator begins to form questions about the future juxtaposed with feelings of nostalgia that resurface when redefining the idea of home. She debates the meanings of emotions now jumbled from moving away from everything she had ever known. As the narrator learns to grow in a new setting, this collection of poetry and written entries document the intricacies of leaving and letting go, as well as the feeling of returning anew.

Meet the Author:
My name is Shannon Damuth, and I am a college sophomore at Northeastern University. At the end of seventh grade, my middle school STEM class voted on superlatives for each student. Although I have since lost the card announcing my winning superlative, I remember very clearly what was typed in small ink: "Most likely to write a book." At first I was baffled; I connected the idea of writing solely to the five paragraph English essays that were my least favorite part of school. It wasn't until eighth grade when I began to use writing as a coping mechanism, and until tenth grade when my creative writing teacher gave me the confidence I needed to begin writing poetry. I am proud to say that I am living up to my seventh grade superlative not once, but twice with my books Semicolon: A Collection of Thoughts and Other Snippets and Question Mark: The Freshman Experience!